Thursday, April 25, 2013

Why hello there little blog!

Well it has been a long time since we posted on here. But soooo much has even going on. As you can see by the last post on here by ' Sa ' she is back in Canadian territory. I'm still down under, doing my thing. Since my last post lots has happened. I have changed from working part time to working full time as a store manager, as well as being a full time mum and wife. It has been a bit of an adjustment, but we are getting on pretty ok. My fitness dropped off a bit in the adjustment to working full time, but I still have managed to achieve many of my fitness goals.

* August 2012 - I ran my first ever 10k race. It wasn't fast but I did it. 1:08:55 was my time. And I was pretty stoked to have completed it so strongly. Having never actually run that distance before.

* January 2013 - I rocked up for my 3rd Australia Day fun run and knocked almost 8 minutes off my time from last year! I was pretty damn happy about that. It was odd though running it without Melissa though.

March 2013 - I competed in the Magnetic island "dirty weekend", Adventurethon.
( ) I competed in the " Taste of adventurethon" which involved a 1 k kayak ( I had to learn how to kayak! ) a 10k bike ride and a 2.4 k " run". I had an amazing time, a few hic ups but I finished in exactly the time I was hoping for. 1:44:35. (I wanted less then 1:45:00) I had some bike related technical issues. Lol but I will be back next year to better my time!

I'm hoping to compete in another upcoming adventerthon event in July. The national challenge.
Really need to get my bum into gear for that one! And repeat my 10k event in August.

My diet has changed somewhat too. I have take to primal eating and have really noticed a difference in myself from this. Grains and processed foods haven't place in my diet anymore. I have definitely noticed the difference. I'm planing to blog more often. I want to share and journal my primal fitness journey...

So little blog...I'm back.:) no excuses.