We've been majorly slack. All is well here. Finally got to the gym today after a week of not getting a good chance to go. I feel good after working out today. I biked for 30 mins at around 95ish - 110ish. Felt like my legs were going to fall off but I did it. Then I pumped some weights for another hour and a bit. I'm gonna be sore tomorrow.
This week coming up is my last week of classes before a week study break and then exams. EEK! I have four this term. Educational Psychology, Language and Literacies, Sustainability and Children's Literature. I'm a tad worried about they Psych and Sustainability ones. I'm not scientifically minded and there are so many theorists in psychology it's rather confusing. Thankfully most of it is based on multiple choice.
Then I have about an 8 week break or so. I'll be working at my kindy (day care) and on a Santa photo set which should be fun. I definitely need to save up some money for next term.
My weight's been steady. But really that's to be expected as we haven't been exercising as often. Sadly it's beginning to go into the rainy season which will cut down on our evening walks as well.
This is my short update for now. :)

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