1. Tell a story of how someone went out of their way and changed your day or your life.
2. Where are you right now physically? Where do you want to be in 11 weeks?
3. What area of your life from last week can you improve on this week? Food? Exercise? Family? Career?
1. I think the first thing that comes into my mind was once when getting on a plane and leaving my family I was quite clearly very upset. I was crying and lingering, not wanting to leave, as I didn't know when I’d be back. The flight attendant was patiently waiting for me to board (I was the last one) and gave me a sympathetic look. Once I was seated, before we even took off, she approached me and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder asking me if I was alright and offering me a bottle of water. This small act made a world of difference to me, enough that I emailed the airline complimenting her service and care.
Five quantifiable goals reassessed at the start of week 2
· No more junk food. Chips, chocolate, cookies are my downfall
-Awesome. No naughty food at all this week.
· run/jog 3 x/week
-went 4 times last week, three times this week, even with the week messed up with allergies.
· Drink more than 3 bottles (600mls each) of water/day
-drinking 3 ½-5 bottles (depending on activity level) every day
· Improve my 5km a little time every time I do it
-I’m working on this, however the bathroom issue is a major hindrance when road running. The gym helps with this, but I can’t run 45 mins-ish at the gym. Far too boring.
· Get out more with the kids walking (at least once a week)
-plans to do this Friday …DONE and continuing
Push ups
Last week 15, this week 17 20
Intermediate/Advanced: 30 extra minutes of intense work like last week + 200 jumping jacks. (all at once or spread out)
Monday: Rest (blood donation)
Wednesday: (high activity work, allergy attack)
Thursday: Felt really off and hot
Friday: 32 minutes 3.5km (17 pushups), 43 sec plank (back issue) 10 min strength, 70 min 6km=112 minutes

After 5kms of the 6km walk with Kelly and the kids.
Saturday: Zumba 60 mins (48 jumping jacks) 10 min strength 23 sec plank, 20 pushups =70minutes

Sunday: ran c25k, 3.4km in 31 mins, strength workout 60 mins (including 80 jmpjks) =91 minutes

Weekly Total =343 minutes 200 jumping jacks
Write 4 things you did well every night
Wednesday: stayed at work even through massive allergy attack, just drank my goal water, did not snack on kindy sandwiches and instead had a healthy mango smoothie.
Thursday: did some washing, ate well, drank well
Friday: Went to the gym even though I didn’t want to, took the kids for a walk (ride) around Riverway, about 6km (one of my goals), Drank LOADS of water.
Saturday: Tried something new, ZUMBA, and it was fun. Ate awesomely with calories to spare, started tracking with myfitnesspal, did 20 pushups.
Sunday: had awesome gym session and pushed myself and a friend, did exercises I normally avoid, ate well, drank loads

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