Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh sweet gym

For applying for a front desk job at a gym, I got a three day pass to go. It's not much, but it's something. Better than what I've been doing for sure.
Today a pt basically took me through the machines, and did a bit of cardio and showed me around. Made me do lunges... bastard. Anyways, I feel good. My shoulders ache, but it's a good ache. So this will take me through the week. After that I don't know.
The gym is really nice. Big and packed with lots of equipment. rows upon rows of bikes and elipticals and treadmills and steppers and cross trainers. For the first time since I got here I feel like I've actually worked out and done something productive. Wednesday I'll go again and do a bunch of cardio. I really felt like I was out of shape as I was winded on the bike after 5 mins. I used to do a lot more.
Hopefully I can find a job soon so I can join and keep going. Anyways, it was a good workout and I feel good.

YAY a positive post lol.

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