Sunday, September 11, 2011

Riverway walk/jog

So we went to Riverway this morning at 9am.  Nice, didn't seem too hot, nice breeze, we were doing week 2 of c25k.  Started out alright, I made it through 2 intervals of running, noticing how different it was than on the treadmill.  I started to wilt.  We've had bush fires lately and there was one burning.  It started to feel really hot and I couldn't catch my breath from the heat and smoke. So, wah wah wah, I failed. Couldn't do it.  I ran on my own intervals when I could and ended up catching up to Melanie (she did it properly) about a min into the 5 min cool down.  Then we walked, took some pics which are on her phone so I'll let her post, and then realised she'd dropped her drivers licence. DOH!  So back we went...(this is what made the 3.7km into 5k's). Didn't find it so hopefully someone will send it to her.
Anyways, I have loads of school work to do and the house will be quiet for a while today as everyone else is going out. I need to take advantage of that time and do some serious work.

I may attempt to do the c25k on the treadmill, but not sure about doing it on roads yet. Would have to be cool enough and no fires going. And my knee bothers me when I run for intervals longer than 3 mins.

That is all.  Pictures to follow.

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