Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 5 - Oh Cream cheese....How you delight me.

lol I say this as I down a second serve of  totally awesome mini baked lemon cheese cakes "Cream cheese Muffins"...Totally guilt free. With Cream...and Strawberries. Totally FULL of WIN!  The Joys of Quick start...Cream cheese is on the menu..cream too. WOOT.  I will nicely provide the Recipe of course!!!

Cream cheese Muffins
2 tubs of Cream Cheese ( about 500g)
2 eggs
Sweetener to taste ( I used around 1/4 cup)
1 lemon ( Juice and rind used)

Beat the room temp cream cheese with the eggs, sweetener and Lemon juice and rind
till creamy. ( taste to see if leomony and sweet enough)

Fill Muffin cases ( lined) with mixture and bake at 160c for 20 mins. Allow to Cool in the oven with the door slightly open.  Then Chill. And tada!!!

Serve with Strawberries and Cream!

Note:- This is not something you can have just cause..We are doing Quick start which is a low carb , high protein diet for a week.

Sa and I  had this for breakfast today. It was a nice change to bacon and eggs. So simple and totally decedent!!!I would provide a picture...However..out of the two lots I have made...I neglected to take any ( shocker I know!)  And well, we just ate the last ones. Hehe

Anyway..Today we went to the GYM! It was sooo good to finally be there. I did 27 minutes on the treadmil and did 2.5 km. I even managed a couple of jogging stretches! It was fabulous! I also did some Light machines and Weights before my body said no more and started to threaten to choke me in snot. But during cool down I felt SOOOO tight and out of shape. We plan to hit the Treadmil again tomorrow before hitting
Body Balance Class in the afternoon. It felt great to be back in one of my favourite places!!!

Anyway..Like Sa I briefly stepped onto the scales at the gym also after breakfast and coffee and with shoes.It was about as bad as I thought.... But I was SOOOO not happy with myself. I feel like I let myself and those who supported me during my weight loss down. :( I spent 27 mins on the treadmil telling myself off and declaring that I WOULD NOT let myself slip any further. Ugh. But well Im Back on the wagon and heading back to that happy place. Its all downhill ( on the scales) from here.

Anyway...It felt great to be back in the swing of things. Im super keen to get back into it. So Here we go...
Day 5...In the struggles ( well except this PITA cough!!!) 2 to go!!!


1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness for your creative cooking abilities!! The hardest part now is breakfast (seeing as we keep eating those yummy muffins before breakfast time and get stuck with eggs).

    I know you can do it. You'll be back to your goal in no time, and you'll kick my butt along the way.
